Flooded Basement- What Is It And Its Various Types?

Flooded Basement Cleanup Services are a common problem in the United States, especially in southern states. The reason for flooding is that heavy rainfall can cause water to seep into your home and if it’s not dealt with quickly, that water can go all the way through your foundation and up into your basement ceiling. This will eventually lead to mold growth and even structural damage. 

If you have experienced a flood, you may be thinking about hiring professional restoration contractors to help clean out your flooded basement. Here are some key factors you should consider before making any decisions. 

Types of Flooded Basements 

There are three types of floods: surface water, groundwater, and flash floods. Flash floods happen when there is an extremely fast downpour of rain which causes water to rush across the ground without giving time for the soil to absorb it. Groundwater on the other hand is caused by water being trapped underground. If this water cannot escape from the space between the soil and bedrock (the earth), then it will begin to accumulate. When the water level rises high enough, the excess water will start rushing to the surface. It doesn’t matter where you live or how much rain falls; flooding is always going to be a concern. 

The person who is planning for the repairing of the basement must have the clear idea as exactly what is it and its various types. A person should go through the flooded basement repair cost and then search for the best one. The one that is of the good quality and is available at a reasonable rate must be the choice of the people.

When You Need Professional Help 

A lot of people think that since they’re having a flood, then it must be minor. However, it is important to remember that a small amount of water could build up over the course of a few days and become a serious issue. You could potentially have a huge mess on your hands without knowing it. A simple mistake, such as leaving a hose running outside unattended, can turn into a major disaster. If you suspect that a flood has occurred, do not hesitate to call the professionals immediately. They can come and inspect your property for free so you don’t waste any time and get rid of the mold growing inside your building. 

The Most Common Causes of Floods 

You might think that a flood would only occur during heavy rains but this isn’t necessarily true. Heavy rainfall can cause water to seep into your home and if it’s not dealt with quickly, that water can go all the way through your foundation and up into your basement ceiling. This will eventually lead to mold growth and even structural damage. There are many different reasons why your house could be flooded, but here are a few things to keep in mind: 

– Poorly installed roofing materials –

Roofing problems can cause leaks into your home that allow water to enter. If you notice water coming from a hole in your shingles, check them carefully and see what the cause was. This could be something as simple as a nail that popped through the skin, or it could be that your shingles were damaged due to hail or wind. In either case, make sure they are repaired properly. 

– Improper drainage systems –

If there is a drainpipe that runs underneath your home that isn’t working properly, this could be the source of your flooding issues. Make sure to call a professional contractor who specializes in drainage issues to fix your problem. 

– Leaks around your home –

This is probably one of the most overlooked areas when it comes to flooding, but it does play a significant role. Water can leak into your home whether there is a roof leak, a pipe break, or even an improperly sealed window. To avoid these problems, make sure your gutters are well maintained and that you repair any holes or cracks that you find. 

– Improperly sealed windows –

When water gets under your window sills, it can seep into your home and cause damage. Seal any gaps in your window frames and seal any cracks along the bottom of your windows. 

After Effects of Flood Damage 

Once you’ve called in the experts, you’ll need to take steps to ensure that the water is removed from your home. First off, make sure that there is no standing water anywhere in your home. You want to remove as much moisture as possible so that it doesn’t get reabsorbed back into your walls and floors. In addition, you’ll need to take care of any drywall that was damaged by the water. Depending on how extensive the flooding was, you may need to replace your entire wallboard. Once everything is dried out and cleaned, you’ll need to wait for the mold to grow out before moving back in. 

How Much Does Flood Cleanup Cost? 

It can cost thousands of dollars to repair the damage done by flooding. Because flooding is usually a result of poor maintenance, it can easily cost you more than it would to just buy new items. If you have flood damage, you should contact a professional company that specializes in the flood cleanup. These companies will have specialized equipment and knowledge that allows them to deal with every situation. 

When dealing with flooding, it’s important to note that the costs associated with it oftentimes outweigh the value of your home. That said, there are plenty of insurance policies that cover flood damage so make sure you’re covered. Most homeowners insurance plans include a coverage section for flood damage and if you don’t have one, you’ll need to purchase a separate policy.